
EzAAI is a suite of workflows for improved AAI calculation performance along with the novel module that provides hierarchical clustering analysis.

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Available modules


Extracts profile DB from genome using Prodigal

ezaai extract -i <IN> -o <OUT>

Argument Description
-i Input bacterial genome sequence
-o Output profile database


Converts CDS FASTA file into profile DB

ezaai convert -i <IN> -s <SEQ> -o <OUT>

Argument Description
-i Input CDS profile (FASTA format)
-s Sequence type of input file (nucl/prot)
-o Output profile DB


Calculate AAI value from profile databases using MMseqs2

ezaai calculate -i <IN_1> -j <IN_2> -o <OUT>

Argument Description
-i First input profile DB / directory with profile DBs
-j Second input profile DB / directory with profile DBs
-o Output result file


Hierarchical clustering of taxa with AAI values

ezaai cluster -i <IN> -o <OUT>

Argument Description
-i Input EzAAI result file containing all-by-all pairwise AAI values
-o Output result file




Dongwook Kim1
Sein Park1
Jon Jongsik Chun1,2,3

1 Interdisciplinary Program in Bioinformatics, Seoul National University, Seoul 00826, Republic of Korea

2 Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Seoul National University, Seoul 00826, Republic of Korea

3 School of Biological Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul 00826, Republic of Korea